Latest artbank entrance:

Alexandra Galkina

December, 22,1998. The Server New Design & Structure.

Since December the 22nd, 1998 our server design & structure was altered.
Artists - Andrey Velikanov
Webmaster - Pavel Yurasov

We hope our regular customers and new guests will appreciate these changes.

We kept the server former design without any changes for long enough i.e. almost two years (since November 1996 up to now) and during this time period artlovers visited our server almost 400000 times.

We didn't hurry to adopt the innovations arising on the Web-design market but turned all our efforts to ARTINFO databank development and tried to increase the collection of Real Video, images and materials.

The Server new design is an attempt to adopt our colleagues and customers remarks and recommendations and to realize our own current idea of a largest Web recourse introducing the Contemporary Russian Art.

Of cause we aren't expecting this new design to be kept forever, that's why Your remarks, recommendations and suggestions are so important to us.

December, 22, 1998. The Server Map Presentation

Now, when the structure of categories and subcategories of our server have grown more complex, You'll meet some problems while attempting to find anything in such an affluent data sea. That's why we present to You the Server Map that will be the best companion on Your way to the destination.

December, 22,1998. The Server Home Page Contents Directory Alteration.

Since December, 22nd,1998 two new categories of PRODUCTS&SERVICES and CONTACTS were opened on our server. P&S category introduces the products and services of Artinfo Multimedia Publishers. You may buy or order both directly from ARTINFO in the on-line mode and through our dealers. CONTACTS will make it easier for You to communicate with us.

22.12.1998. The Fine Arts' Category Title Was Substituted by the New One – Visual Arts and the NET-ART Server Category Moved There.

On December the 22ndñ êîòîðûìè ìû èìååì âçàèìíûå ññûëêè. we moved the NET-ART category introducing the Russian Net Arts from the front page to the subcategory PROJECTS of the VISUAL ARTS category (former FINE ART). It doesn't mean any change in our attitude to the newborn net art but came as a consequence of the VISUAL ARTS (former FINE ART) category extension.


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