How can the bird IBIS be transformed into the wild cat IRBIS (ounce) and famed afterwards.

B. Marshak, A. Brodovsky
Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology
Tel: (095) 928-49-13, 924-44-05
Fax: (095) 921-98-62

Library Automation System IRBIS is introduced. Brief information on background of its design is presented. All main modules of the System and existing versions are described. Major principles of the System architecture and distribution, the fields of its application are discussed as well.

Boris Marshak - Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Head of Research Division. International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies, Executive Director.

Alexander Brodovsky - Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Head of Department. International Association of Users and Developers of Electronic Libraries and New Information Technologies, Main Programmer.