Visual perception. New technology against traditional mind.

Anna Frants
Avant-Rus, New York

Public is accustomed to traditional way of art presentation. Going to a museum we are expect to enter room with several rectangles of painted surface located on the wall and admire them depending of our level of education, knowledge of art, state of mind etc. Misfortunes like not conditioned room on hot summer day can easily affect our judgement. Being tied by boundaries of our own physical existence it would be unreasonable to imagine that people would change their thinking with the flash of technological revolution.

Fortunately for the humanoid in order to adopt (nerds would argue with me) development takes slow route. Museums remain museums and old fashioned even on the information super highway.

Virtually every museum's page we see right now is some form of electronic catalogue verses description brochure of the institution. Rarely or virtually never new thinking is applied to art presentation. Everyone seem to ignore the fact that we deal with the world without boundaries and we are not longer dependent on size or location of an art piece. There is a new kind of offering we have to develop in order to present information with the full spectrum of possibilities, which tied closely with our cultural heritage.

Anna Frants represents New York based electronic publisher Avant-Rus Our latest involvement with russian art was Being an experts in the field of electronic publishing and art gallery we also thoroughly familiar with the latest technology in the professional field.

Avant-Rus is an electronic publisher/ design company, specialising in the field of art. We execute project starting from the very concept to the final application including technical side of the project. Avant-Rus offers its clients new concepts and ideas, taking them from a blank page to the finished product. We also involved with art in the real world and company runs an art gallery in SOHO district of New York.
