Development of a Multi-Purpose Database
“Ryazan History and Architecture Museum-National Park”

E.I. Romanova, I.V. Zaigrin, G.S. Belova
Ryazan History and Architecture Museum-National Park

A multi-purpose database has been developed for compilation, accumulation, storage and processing of a large volume of data on the monuments of history, culture and nature of the Ryazan Kremlin. The database includes the following individual sub-bases: fund of museum articles, nature-and-technical system (architectural ensemble and underground preservation area), scientific archive, library, museum activity. The data for three protected facilities: museum article, monument of architecture, historical landscape - have been integrated as a relevant passport. The database “Nature-and-technical system” provides information services also in respect to the monitoring of the historical territory arranged in the Museum.

The basic conditions of the database development consisted in the computers accessible for the museum, and simplicity of the software operations for all employees responsible for preservation and condition of movable and unmoveable monuments of history and culture.

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