Culture of the Information as a Part of Control and
Analysis in Higher Schools.

L.I. Aleshin, Ph.D. (pedagogy)
Professor of stand library
The Moscow State University of Culture and Arts
Address: 141406, Moscow suburb, Himki, Library street, 4, sq. 52
Phone: 570-52-89

 Modern society even more often call information. In a series of major problems of its social progressing there is a problem of an effective utilisation of the information. Creation of methods and facilities for all possible usage of the information as third aspect of resources, a global information infrastructure, global information superhighway and global fund of knowledge is a central problem constructing of information society of XXI century.

The daily increasing streams of the miscellaneous information construct a compound fold problem of survival of society. The modern information retrieval systems afford to the users such amount of the miscellaneous information, which one they are not capable independently neither to perceive, nor to rework. The receivable mass datas, as a rule, have redundancy and critical quality. At the same time practically any information, propagated in a world, discovers the consumer, specially it becomes noticeably in process "entangle" of a planet a web the Internet. The relevant aspect of modern society is the concentration of the reliable information for control by different processes and acceptance of effective solutions.

What characterises the information, enclosing us? From the point of view of selfdescriptiveness, it is necessary to state duality, redundancy, randomness, and occasionally unauthenticity. Such information can not promote acceptance of exact solutions. Besides it is important ethical component, the state of which can alarm many people of a planet. It cannot be assorted as is simple exuberant. Its some part is immoral, calls fair perturbation of the sane members of society and, as a consequent, introducing of the definite exclusions on its free, not monitored propagation. At the same time in different strata of society and all in the greater number among youth is supervised usage of pop-culture and low of cultural expressions. Some properties of a human nature allow to consider, that such information will be always or, at least, it is still long enough. It is necessary to allow for the last circumstance at teaching youth specially of future competent specialists.

In society the stressful situations originating from information overstrains are supervised which one will disorganise thinking and spawn a morbid state obtaining title “ a syndrome of information fatigue ”. Thus the person simultaneously is the creator, "“recipient", saver and "“repeater" of the information. The last member, existing in a coded aspect (characters, signs etc.), acquires some properties of an individual, transmitting it. Thus the information is transformed, acquiring distinct from primal shape and contents. The given circumstance allows to assert, that the information is frequently subjective.

All this aggravated a problem of culture of informatisation. The terms "“culture", "“information", “culture of the information” are still insufficiently formalised. It is possible to reveal set of their explanations. Usually definition "“culture" is treated as a historically definite level of development of company and person expressed in types and forms of organisation of life and activity of the people, and also in material and spiritual values. Any society can not exist and be developed without holding by its members established for all morally - ethical standard. In the field of creation, conservation and the disseminations of information should operate definite and uniform rules, unobjectionable executed by all members society. There is, for example, an order, at which one technological publication arriving at specialised periodic issuings, are reviewed by the applicable specialists. In result it is possible to not enable in printing (to filter) low-standard, doubtful etc. information.

The judgement, that culture - “the not inherited information” states. Other writers suppose, that “ substance of culture in general - in predetermining our behaviour in social - typical situations of this or that way of life. The culture is instituted as well as “a knowledge potential of the modern person ”. Affirms, that the culture is “ the shape of dialogue and life of the individuals as personalities ” etc.

There is no precise, unvalued definition and term "information". It is considered, that the information existed long before appearance of the person, for example, that, which one can be encoded in DNA, crystal lattices, molecules, atoms etc. In this sense the information is property of different systems, “ by operating knowledge indispensable for a system in dynamic process, transferring it from a substantial state in ideal . The knowledge is introduced as the stored information, synthesised by a system”. It is offered to institute the information as a physical quantity, one of basic performances of a substance, thus the information - primary category world outlook. It is necessary to mark, that the Latin ground of this term means the map, notification, compiling of concept about something, granting of the items of information. Etymologically the information understand the items of information on an enclosing world perceived by the person or the ambulance, and also acquaintance, articulation, message. Generally information is instituted as the items of information transmitted by one people to other people oral, written and otherwise or as process of transmission and deriving of the items of information.

Not being sunk in etymology of the words "“culture" and "“information", we shall mark only original approach to a problem of intercoupling of these concepts - “the information it is possible to consider as the shape of existence of all knowledge accumulated by mankind for the history, the culture then is a method of their storage and translation”.

The word collocation “culture of the information” as concept was not resisted and can be treated by a different image. For example, it is possible to suppose, that it means methods of representation of the information including aspects, shapes of different datas and their contents. Assert, that it is the polygraphic level of effort of the documents or clerical work; methods of storage, treating and data transfer or methods, methods and means of protection of the information etc.

Despite of a diversity of explanations, this word collocation is not by itself the denial of fundamental intercoupling indicated by us is higher than the terms, and on the contrary, underlines their unity and diversity simultaneously, opening out before us new edges of a problem, to a solution which one are necessary are to given by owing notice. As a case history of many-sided nature of the given term it is possible to consider coexisting of such concepts as “information hunger” and “the exuberant information”, accounting for a poor amount of the quality information, indispensable for the user, as contrasted to by huge its communal amount, available in a world.

The granting to each individual really indispensable, instead of information, imposed to him, - problem not simple, solution by which one depends first of all on the contents of the information, cultures of its creation, entities, feeding, transfer and storage. The bright practical example of absence of culture of the information daily is introduced us by many MASS-MEDIAS. Thus becomes strategic to the relevant quality of the information. Today for it anybody practically does not answer.

The problems of culture of creation and dissemination of information have appeared not remarked and dead though they are rather actual in activity of the managers, faces accepting solution. Apparently, the culture of the information is necessary to understand the term collection of the universal expertise, accumulated by centuries grounded on formed norms of dialogue without dependence from linguistic bases and expressed by different methods of ethical interplay of the people in social environment. It is well-known, that the information can change the shapes of interplay of the people among themselves and with an enclosing world, to promote progressing of other sciences, branches of a national economy and culture, to a solution of different social problems etc. At the same time the deriving of a unreliable information can arouse rather unpredictable negative consequences.

Culture of the information not only index of an intellectual potential of the people at their dialogue one another, but also systems accruing, storing and reproducing different datas. Specially it is important in relation to young breed of any country. On datas of UNESCO the state of Russia is determined as “ depriving of individuality and degradation ” of nations. And between that in USA the considerable notice is given to progressing of an own national information infrastructure. The administration of USA considers, that its information will exercise influence over other peoples of a world. The truth, it realises, as itself “ will experience affecting dynamical international environment... ”.

Ground of such dialogue can become definite “ a cultural gantry ”. The interpretation of this term can mean a set of the values, accumulated by mankinds permitting is not simple intelligently to communicate one another, but also to reshape information highways so that as much as possible to escape their clogging waste, unethical etc. by information obtaining a title “ information waste ”.

The cultural gantry is the intellectual foundation of society, its national property, on which one it is possible to plot distributed bases, data banks and knowledge. Thus with the help of modern dodges of looking up to the viewers the datas will arrive to minimally indispensable, relevant their requests. This gantry was usually instituted earlier as culture of sense and text - culture of the information.

Under culture of the information some writers tender to understand “culture of the appeal with the documents, withdrawal of fixed knowledge, encoding and fixation of the information, and also its looking up”. That is, all processes happening with already available (fixed on any bearer) by the information, available On it any bearer, are meant from major functions of the principals?!

The culture of the information, first of all, is culture of dialogue equivalently propagated in horizontal and vertical directions of all spheres of control. The given problem is decided at a level of development of bases of clerical work, business etiquette, imageology and other sciences. In modern society it be axiomatic, for it should difficult to call as the modern manager of the specialist who is well intelligent of the matter, but not knowing how to communicate with the colleagues, principals, opponents and different aspects of the information. It is one component given the problem.

As following component it is necessary to mark skill to organise (to generate), to save and to pass datas so that they fell to the necessary viewer and in the necessary time. Here it is necessary to pay attention to analysis of bases of control, clerical work, information science and telecommunications, analytic-synthetic document processing, theory of the mass communications etc.

As third component it is possible to dedicate skill of the principals to reshape personal the tasks so that they were maximum precisely perceived last. Moreover, it is expedient to state them so that the performers could easily enough construct algorithm of operatings for their consequent implementation by own forces. Here, except for called above disciplines, it is important also to mark a fundamentals of algorithmisation and documentation supply of control.

The fourth component means skill of personal, on the basis of datas, obtained from the principals, to state the applicable alternatives permitting to the higher specialists to accept exact solutions. The realisation of the given problem is possible on the basis of analysis of called disciplines, and also theories of control, queuing, creation both operation of bases and data banks, consulting models.

At last as footstep component it is possible to consider architecture of check of veracity of the information and implementation of accepted solutions. It is necessary to note, that it is the most difficult aspect of a solution of a problem, specially in our country. Certainly, the architecture of monitoring of fulfilment of the different instructions on the basis of forming uniform for all norms has a century history. For example, ten are well-known commandments of the God. Any state and public decrees and commandments should allow for the expertise, accumulated by mankind, converted (minimised) in a set of uniform norms indispensable for each member of company for dialogue, not restraining own and another's concerns and rights. However realisation of the given aspect is under construction not only on the basis of deriving indispensable knowledge, skills and skills. It is founded on the base of political and economical solutions accepted and sold in each particular case in the applicable locale. This problem is decided on the basis of analysis of such disciplines, as clerical work, fundamentals of algorithmization, queuing theory atomised management systems and check, intellectual and consulting models.

The absence, inaccessibility, unauthenticity of the information and ineffectiveness of monitoring of accepted solutions annihilate practically all previous operatings and tear up an access cycle of the informations aimed at implementation of problems, equally relevant for separate individuals, entities, corporations and countries. The given position arises in patterns which are not knowing or a disregarding original position of habitability of the information, that testifies to absence for the subjects, their introducing, culture of operation with the information, neglectful ratio to faces, its obtaining and accepting the applicable solution. Last by all means express, as a rule, negative attitude to similar events. Thus their reacting nor meets the requirements civilised information interchanging. Such cycle is rather faulty and carries on not to consolidation, and to breaking down of society.

In result it is possible to draw a conclusion about relevance of analysis all without exception of aspects of culture of the information. Also it is necessary to mark, that the close ratio is capable to all its components in due course to form really capax negotii democratic society, the activity of the principals of any links which one is aimed at prosperity, instead of depressing and decay given society. The period, indispensable for it, of time is conditioned, on the one hand, by time of assimilation practically by all members of society of bases of culture of the information, which one should be known as “ God ours ” and to know how to apply in different situations. With other, - understanding of called problems in a higher flight level of an authority with the purpose of organisation of control grounded on the treatment with the citizens as with the equivalent partners, having not by smaller knowledge and virtues.

 Leonid I. Aleshin - The Head of Automation Department of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library (CSAL), the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the professor of stand library.
