Research in Cultural and Scientific Heritage
Strategic Objectives and Achievements

Bernard Smith
European Commission, DG INFSO/D-2
Head of Unit
Address: Batiment Jean Monnet, Rue Aicide de Gaspri, L-2920 Luxemburg
Phone: (+352)4301.34195
Fax: (+352)4301.33530

Over the past 18 months more than 30 new RTD projects have been funded by the IST Programme of the European Commission on the topic of cultural and scientific heritage. Supporting major international co-operative alliances, and in particular new alliances between different memory institutions, is a core objective. Two new research action lines are presently open for new project ideas. In addition stable draft versions are available for the 2001 action lines. It is possible to start developing possible research ideas and building consortia.

The presentation will cover our objectives and achievements today, and will discuss both the open action lines (including opportunities for "virtual heritage" projects) and those planned for 2001. Next years action lines - "heritage for all" and "next generation digital collections" - should be of direct interest to symposium attendees. A reoccurring issue will be the need for global co-operation."
