Principal Terms of ARTINFO Databank Membership

The information (written information according to the standard ARTINFO Databank Membership Application Form, Author's photo, pictures) placement being made on the base of Contract between ARTINFO and the Author concluded.

The Contract period - 10 years.

Terms of the information ARTINFO Databank placement payment:

This payment is nonrecurring and covers the whole contract period!

The Author can supplement and correct the information on following conditions:

According to the Contract ARTINFO provides:

The Author is being provided by one free CD-ROM of the series.

According to the Contract the Author empowers ARTINFO to publish the information in all the possible data carriers and media within 10 years period from the Contract date on nonexclusive basis and to transfer these rights to the third party on a commercial or noncommercial basis.

In case the rights for the Author's information publication (ARTINFO CD-ROM series rights are not included) transferred to the third party on a commercial basis ARTINFO will pay to the Author 50% of the contract sum if the Author's payment for the one image ARTINFO Databank accommodation was 5$ and 25% of the contract sum if the Author's payment for the one image ARTINFO Databank accommodation was 2,5$.

The Contract is being signed by the Author or his(her) agent. Payment for the ARTINFO Databank membership can be made by the Author or by his(her) agent. In case the rights for the Author's information publication (ARTINFO CD-ROM series rights are not included) transferred to the third party on a commercial basis ARTINFO can transfer the Author's share directly to the Author or to his(her) agent.

In case the Author's piece is being sold through intermediary of Databank the Author will pay to ARTINFO 15% (or 30%) from the contract sum.